( Editorial: --> 5283 )
MARIJA BISTRICA, Oct 3 (Hina) - A reliquary with Blessed Alojzije
Stepinac's relics and an Evangelistary were the main gifts gifted
by Archbishop Bozanic and the Croatian Bishops' Conference to Pope
John Paul II after the ceremony in which the Pope performed the
beatification of Cardinal Alojzije Stepinac.
The reliquary is 55 cm high and weighs three kilograms. At the foot
of the statue is the shape of a sacrificial altar. Its sides are
covered with reliefs of the baptisimal font of Croatia's Duke
Viseslav with the Croatian plait as well as sections portraying a
replica of Our Lady and of the Holy Testament.
Above the base of the reliquary, or rather the sacrificial altar,
are two steeples which represent the Zagreb Cathedral.
The reliquary contains a drawer which carries a Charter about the
authenticity of Cardinal Stepinac's body inside: a piece of the
Cardinal's right pointer.
The relief is cast of silver symbolising the ties between the state
and the Church in Croatia's history. It is the creation of Kuzma
Kovacic in accordance with the wishes of the postulate for the cause
of promoting Cardinal Alojzije Stepinac to beatification, Dr.
Juraj Batelja.
The reliquary is in honour of the great event for the entire Church
amongst the Croats and the entire Croatian nation, the
beatification of Cardinal Stepinac. It was granted to the Pope by
eighteen year-old MarIjana Beno from Dubrovnik.
As Dr. Batelja said, as a child Marijana survived child paralysis
(polio) even though doctor's had said she would never recover. Her
mother had made a vow to Cardinal Stepinac after which Marijana
along with 26 other sick people, recovered. They are of the firm
belief that this was due to the intercession of Stepinac.
The Evangelistary is a liturgical book which contains all four
Gospels including excerpts. It is unique due to its silver cover.
The covers were hand carved by Venetian master Franco Antenori in
the same manner as was done four centuries ago. It is similar to the
Zagreb plenary dating back to the XI century which is kept in the
Cathedral's treasury depicting Christ's life.
The back cover portrays a Romanic cross. The original cross is also
part of the Zagreb Cathedral's treasury. In the background is a text
in the ancient Croatian glagolic script found in a missal dating
back to 1483.
The idea for the evangelistary was given by members of the Committee
to Welcome the Pope, Reverend Mijo Gabric, Dr. Zvonimir Kurecic and
Dr. Ivan Sasak.
The significance of both gifts surmise the ties between proclaiming
the Good News and Stepinac's testimony transformed into the
everyday life of the faithful.
(Hina) sp
031313 MET oct 98
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