( Editorial: --> 1472 )
SARAJEVO, Sept 18 (Hina) - The Organisation for European Security
and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Mission to Bosnia-Herzegovina
announced that the Election Appeals Sub-Commission (EASC) had on
Friday adopted several decisions regarding violation of the
election media blackout.
Because of the fact that the coalition "Sloga" sent citizens,
residing in the Bosnian Serb republic, special letters with their
pension cheques on September 11 advising them who to vote for, the
EASC removed 11 coalition candidates from the election voting list
and fined the coalition 10,000 German marks.
The Croatian Democratic Union of Bosnia-Herzegovina (HDZ BiH), was
fined 500 German marks because member Nikola Bilic in his capacity
as the deputy commissioner of the Jajce Municipality, did not allow
access for Social Democratic Party (SDP) supporters to enter public
The sub-commission also considered incidents where posters of
Darijo Kordic and Tihomil Blaskic were put up around the Vitez area,
but there was not enough evidence to which party was responsible.
Amongst the penalties passed for violation of the election media
blackout there was no mention of the public appearances during the
two election days by leaders of the Radical Party of Serbia, the
Radcial Party (in the Bosnian Serb entity) and the Serb member to
the Bosnian Presidency.
(Hina) sp jn /mbr
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