( Editorial: --> 0834 )
DUBROVNIK, Sept 16 (Hina) - Heads of the Croatian Bank for
Reconstruction and Development (HBOR) presented a programme of
loans issues for the preparation of the 1999 tourist season in
Dubrovnik on Wednesday.
Anton Kovacev, president of the HBOR Board, told reporters that
preparations for the next tourist season had this year begun much
earlier than in previous years.
Loans to be issued to the tourist sector are founding and working
capital loans.
Loan requests cannot be for less than US $ 82,000 and the repayment
period is eight years.
Interest rates will amount to 9 per cent at the most for end users
and the first repayment is expected in September 2000.
Kovacev stressed that HBOR motivated development of tourism and
support industries with loans for small and middle-sized
businesses as well.
(Hina) sp jn/rml
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