( Editorial: --> 9452 )
SARAJEVO, Sept 10 (Hina) - Ombudsmen for the Federation of Bosnia-
Herzegovina (FBH) have warned that authorities in Bosnia's Muslim-
Croat entity were constantly violating the social rights of its
citizens and the law which organised the management of former
socially-owned property.
In their latest report presented to reporters in Sarajevo on
Thursday, FBH ombudsmen Esad Muhibic, Branka Raguz and Vera
Jovanovic emphasised that public enterprises were using their
monopoly position to impose high prices for their services.
They also accused municipal administrations for making charges
which were totally out of proportion to average incomes.
Our analyses show that the social rights of citizens are very
threatened and that, for example, the prices of public services in
the FBH are incomparable with prices of the same services in
transitional countries, Huhibic said.
The three federal ombudsmen recommended the FBH government
establish a permanent body which would monitor the situation in the
social policy arena; to harmonise the price of communal services
with citizens' standard of living, and to immediately guarantee
balanced responsibilities towards pensioners.
FBH ombudsmen in a special report warned that municipal authorities
often acted illegally by granting temporarily abandoned properties
as well as property which is subjugated to restitution.
"According to our information, granting such property is closely
tied to corruption," Raguz said. She said that in Bugojno (under
Bosnian Muslim control) similar cases were being reviewed in
cooperation with the Office of the High Representative.
"It is an infection which has taken over the entire country and it
must be stopped immediately," said Esad Muhibic adding that
immediately following Bugojno, Stolac (under Croat control) would
be examined.
(Hina) mbr jn /sp
101716 MET sep 98
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