( Editorial: --> 8487 )
PRISTINA, Sept 6 (Hina) - An eight-member Albanian family has been
killed during the three-day attack by Serbian forces on the Kosovo
village of Denja near Orahovica, the Kosovo Committee for the
Protection of Human Rights and Freedoms reported on Sunday.
Quoting its sources in Prizren, the Committee said that among the
killed members of the Bytyqi family were three children aged
between three and 10 years.
The same source said three Albanians, including a two-year-old
child, had also been killed in the village of Poluzhi in the
Orahovica municipality.
The Kosovo Information Centre said on Sunday morning that the
Serbian police had freed 150 Albanians, who had been arrested on
Saturday in villages in the Orahovica and Klina municipalities.
Meanwhile, there continues to be no information on the hundred
Albanians being held hostage by Serbian forces for two days.
Serbian authorities claim they are members of the Kosovo Liberation
Army, while Albanian sources believe they are civilians.
The pro-Serbian government Media Centre in Pristina reported on
Sunday that about a thousand Albanians had returned to Bec, Moliqe,
Batusha and Phonoshevce, villages west of Djakovica near the
Albanian border. The residents had fled their villages during
battles in recent months and had sought shelter in nearby forests.
It also said that Albanians from Brdosani, a village east of
Djakovica, had surrendered a large quantity of automatic weapons,
ammunition and explosives to Serbian authorities. This was not
confirmed by Albanian sources in Pristina.
On Sunday Radio Tirana reported that Serbian forces were continuing
to assemble on the border with Albania, especially in the north-
eastern area, which had added to the increased tensions on the
Albanian-Yugoslav border.
Because of the Serbian offensive on several villages south-west of
Prizren, just in the past three days 455 refugees from Kosovo had
arrived in Albania.
(Hina) mbr
061916 MET sep 98
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