( Editorial: --> 6730 )
SPLIT, Aug 29 (Hina) - The trial of General Tihomir Blaskic before
the International Criminal Tribunal for Former Yugoslavia (ICTY)
could end by June next year and the indictee will be acquitted,
Blaskic's attorney Anto Nobilo told a local TV station in Split on
Friday night.
"Blaskic will be acquitted because there is no individual
responsibility in his case. Should he be convicted, it would mean
that politics has interfered with justice," Nobilo said.
The defence is to call about 90 witnesses, including former
Croatian Defence Council (HVO) officers and present members of the
Croat-Muslim Federation army as well as foreigners of different
nationalities and Bosniaks.
The defence has interviewed about 300 witnesses and gathered at
least 15,000 documents and it also has direct evidence proving
Blaskic's innocence, he added.
Guilt should be made individual so that Gen. Blaskic could be helped
and the real perpetrators of all war crimes in Bosnia-Herzegovina
be brought to justice, Nobilo said expressing satisfaction with the
Croatian media coverage of the Tribunal's work.
The Hague Tribunal will with time develop into a permanent war
crimes tribunal, but it should already start trying those who
issued orders and not only the immediate perpetrators, he
(hina) rml
291115 MET aug 98
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