( Editorial: --> 4649 )
ZAGREB/THE HAGUE, Aug 19 (Hina) - A delegation of Bosnian Croats
lead by Bosnian Federation Vice-President Vladimir Soljic visited
The Hague on Wednesday for talks with officials and detainees at the
International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY).
In a telephone interview with Hina, Soljic said that during the
visit he spoke with detainees at the Scheweningen prison whose
trials were not in progress - Tihomir Blaskic, Dario Kordic, Mario
Cerkez, Anto Furundzija and Zlatko Aleksovski.
"We were impressed with their psychological and physical stability
and this is evidence that they believe in a good and just outcome in
their processes," the Bosnian Federation Vice-President said.
"We spoke with the detainees for a long time," Soljic said,
emphasising that they had "discussed everything that was happening
and what was and was not related to their problems".
"They are behaving as if they will come home tomorrow," Soljic
However, the deputy chief of Bosnia's Muslim-Croat entity
emphasised that the prisoners and the delegation were not satisfied
with the fact that the process was lasting too long.
"This especially relates to Kordic and Cerkez against whom
indictments have still not been raised," Soljic said.
He added that it was "illogical that the indictments for Kordic and
Blaskic were linked, even though their cases have no relation".
Apart from the prisoners, the Bosnian Croat delegation also met
ICTY president Gabrielle Kirk McDonald and chief prosecutor Louise
"We believe the visit was useful and that we will certainly have
positive results from it," Soljic said.
ICTY spokesman Christian Chartier confirmed that the meetings took
place, but was not able to comment on their themes.
At the beginning of the visit it was announced that the main theme of
talks with ICTY officials would be the insufficient efforts of the
Hague tribunal in investigating and launching proceedings for
crimes committed against Bosnian Croats.
Soljic was to have given the ICTY a list of massacres which had been
documentated, but had not been used by the war crimes tribunal.
Despite an earlier announcement, a meeting with the so-called Vitez
group, whose process started on Monday, did not take place because
of "technical difficulties".
"Detainees from the 'Kupresic and others' list had their processes
finish earlier today, but we were unable to visit them, so we spoke
with their lawyers," Soljic said.
He said the lawyers were satisfied with the current progress of the
trial because they believed that "it had become clear to everyone
that that some of the witnesses were briefed for a false
"The situation is not bad overall," the Bosnian Federation Vice-
President said.
(Hina) mbr /jfk
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