ZAGREB, Nov 29 (Hina) - Bosiljko Misetic, an attorney for retired Croatian general Janko Bobetko, who has been indicted by the Hague-based UN war crimes tribunal, told Hina on Friday that the tribunal's reaction to a doctors'
statement about Bobetko's inability to stand trial was more important to his defence team than the decision of the tribunal's Appeals Chamber to turn down two appeals filed by the Croatian government.
ZAGREB, Nov 29 (Hina) - Bosiljko Misetic, an attorney for retired
Croatian general Janko Bobetko, who has been indicted by the Hague-
based UN war crimes tribunal, told Hina on Friday that the
tribunal's reaction to a doctors' statement about Bobetko's
inability to stand trial was more important to his defence team than
the decision of the tribunal's Appeals Chamber to turn down two
appeals filed by the Croatian government. #L#
Misetic expects that the tribunal will send its own team of doctors
to assess if Bobetko's condition prevents the execution of the
tribunal's order for his arrest and hand-over.
(hina) rml