OSIJEK: WORLD BANK PROJECTS IN NATURE PARK SUCCESSFUL OSIJEK, Nov 13 (Hina)- The World Bank's vice president for Europe and central Asia, Johannes Linn, and associates on Wednesday held talks with Croatian Environmental Protection and
Zoning Minister Bozo Kovacevic and the head of the Public Institution "Kopacki Rit" Nature Park, Melita Mihaljevic, on the implementation of Bank-financed projects in this protected area.
OSIJEK, Nov 13 (Hina)- The World Bank's vice president for Europe
and central Asia, Johannes Linn, and associates on Wednesday held
talks with Croatian Environmental Protection and Zoning Minister
Bozo Kovacevic and the head of the Public Institution "Kopacki Rit"
Nature Park, Melita Mihaljevic, on the implementation of Bank-
financed projects in this protected area. #L#
At a news conference Linn and Kovacevic expressed satisfaction with
the implementation of the projects. Linn said he was satisfied with
progress made in the past three years, since his last visit to the
region. He said the projects would be presented at a European
conference on environmental protection to be held in Kiev next
The World Bank has so far invested two million dollars in loans and
US$750,000 in donations in Kopacki Rit.
(hina) it sb