ZAGREB, Sept 24 (Hina) - The first on the war crimes indictment of the so-called Gospic Group, Tihomir Oreskovic, will return into custody before 3 pm today, thus complying with a Supreme Court ruling extending his detention, his
attorney Bosiljko Misetic said on Tuesday.
ZAGREB, Sept 24 (Hina) - The first on the war crimes indictment of
the so-called Gospic Group, Tihomir Oreskovic, will return into
custody before 3 pm today, thus complying with a Supreme Court
ruling extending his detention, his attorney Bosiljko Misetic said
on Tuesday. #L#
Oreskovic left Zagreb headed for Rijeka in the morning and will
report to the Rijeka county prison by 3 pm, Misetic told Hina.
The Supreme Court yesterday ruled that the Rijeka County Court,
which is trying the Gospic Group, had erroneously concluded that
the maximum detention limit had expired in the case of Oreskovic and
the second on the indictment, Ivica Rozic. Based on that, the two,
who had spent two years in custody, were released less than two
weeks ago.
The Supreme Court said Oreskovic and Rozic were charged with the
gravest of acts, war crimes against civilians, in which case
detention may last up to three years before a first instance ruling
is made.
Attorney Misetic confirmed he had received the Supreme Court
ruling, which he described "absurd and unfounded".
He announced that Oreskovic's defence would fight the ruling with a
demand for the protection of legality, a constitutional complaint,
and if necessary, by lodging a complaint with the Strasbourg-based
European Court of Human Rights.
Alongside another four in the Gospic Group, Oreskovic is charged
with war crimes against civilians committed in the Gospic area in
late 1991.
(hina) ha sb