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CAKOVEC, Sept 9 (Hina) - At his keynote speech at a seminar on the education of the Romany in Croatia, a Vice premier, Ante Simonic, on Monday said that the elaboration of a national programme for the Romany minority was listed as a priority of the incumbent government.
CAKOVEC, Sept 9 (Hina) - At his keynote speech at a seminar on the education of the Romany in Croatia, a Vice premier, Ante Simonic, on Monday said that the elaboration of a national programme for the Romany minority was listed as a priority of the incumbent government. #L# Simonic thanked the Council of Europe, which helped organise the seminar in the northern Croatian city of Cakovec. An official of the Stability Pact, Michael Guet, who works in the CoE Romany department, said that Croatia had made progress in this field. On Sunday Guet toured Romany settlements in the Cakovec and saw that they were receiving the necessary utilities and that they would be legalised. A local official, Dragutin Lesar, said that of 9,463 Romany in Croatia, 30.5 percent of them (2,887) were living in Medjimurje County. In this county, 20.44 percent (i.e.329) of a total of 1,600 first- graders this year accounts for the Romany kids. In the 14 primary schools, 982 pupils are of the Romany origin. (hina) ms


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