THE HAGUE/ZAGREB, Aug 28 (Hina) - Cardiologists have recommended that Slobodan Milosevic should rest for four days after every two weeks of trial, the president of the trial chamber prosecuting the former Yugoslav President, Richard
May, said on Wednesday.
THE HAGUE/ZAGREB, Aug 28 (Hina) - Cardiologists have recommended
that Slobodan Milosevic should rest for four days after every two
weeks of trial, the president of the trial chamber prosecuting the
former Yugoslav President, Richard May, said on Wednesday. #L#
That advice should be heeded, not literally but in spirit, Judge May
said, announcing the trial chamber would soon rule about a new
schedule of the hearings.
Until now the trial took five days of the week, a minimum six hours
During a summer medical check-up, it was established that Milosevic
has high blood pressure.
The prosecution of the UN war crimes tribunal said today the part of
the trial referring to the Kosovo crimes would probably end by the
end of next week, so that the presentation of evidence for crimes
committed in Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina could start on Sept.
Milosevic is charged with genocide in Bosnia and crimes against
humanity in Kosovo and Croatia.
(hina) ha