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ZAGREB, Aug 27 (Hina) - The president of the Croatian Social Liberal Party (HSLS), Drazen Budisa, on Tuesday signed in Zagreb's Ban Jelacic Square a petition launched by the Democratic Centre (DC) demanding that the government reject an initialled agreement on the state border between Croatia and Slovenia (known as the Racan-Drnovsek agreement).
ZAGREB, Aug 27 (Hina) - The president of the Croatian Social Liberal Party (HSLS), Drazen Budisa, on Tuesday signed in Zagreb's Ban Jelacic Square a petition launched by the Democratic Centre (DC) demanding that the government reject an initialled agreement on the state border between Croatia and Slovenia (known as the Racan- Drnovsek agreement). #L# Budisa told journalists that he supported the DC's initiative because the agreement bore only the initials of the chairwoman of the government's commission on the border and was not binding for Croatia as it had not been ratified. "Another problem is that the entire government supports the agreement, since it unanimously adopted it at its session, and even though there have been indications it might, the government has not yet withdrawn the agreement," Budisa said. Withdrawing the agreement would strengthen Croatia's position and set new grounds for negotiations, he added. After she signed the petition, DC vice-president Vesna Skare Ozbolt said that about 5,500 citizens throughout Croatia had signed the petition on Monday. She repeated that the DC would continue collecting signatures until the government withdrew the Drnovsek-Racan agreement. If the government does not do so, the DC will endeavour to collect 400,000 signatures, as that many are required for a referendum to be called on the matter, Skare-Ozbolt said. (hina) sp rml sb


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