BELGRADE, Feb 13 (Hina) - General Momcilo Perisic, president of the Movement for Democratic Serbia and Serbian vice premier, on Wednesday told reporters he had not been asked to testify in the trial against Slobodan Milosevic in The
Hague, and that he would not show up there "either as a secret, or public witness". Perisic, accused of war crimes in Croatia, was chief-of-staff of the Yugoslav Army from 1993 to 1998. He was relieved of duty by Milosevic due to a statement that "Yugoslavia should not oppose NATO" as this was an already lost war. He said he would testify in The Hague only if all heads of former Yugoslav republics and western countries would testify as well as they have contributed to the break up of the former Yugoslavia. Asked whether he believed the indictment against Milosevic for genocide in Bosnia was justifiable, Perisic said the former Yugoslav president was at the time "the biggest NATO al
BELGRADE, Feb 13 (Hina) - General Momcilo Perisic, president of the
Movement for Democratic Serbia and Serbian vice premier, on
Wednesday told reporters he had not been asked to testify in the
trial against Slobodan Milosevic in The Hague, and that he would not
show up there "either as a secret, or public witness".
Perisic, accused of war crimes in Croatia, was chief-of-staff of
the Yugoslav Army from 1993 to 1998. He was relieved of duty by
Milosevic due to a statement that "Yugoslavia should not oppose
NATO" as this was an already lost war.
He said he would testify in The Hague only if all heads of former
Yugoslav republics and western countries would testify as well as
they have contributed to the break up of the former Yugoslavia.
Asked whether he believed the indictment against Milosevic for
genocide in Bosnia was justifiable, Perisic said the former
Yugoslav president was at the time "the biggest NATO ally for the
realisation of aims in Bosnia". Milosevic, according to Perisic,
did not stay in Kosovo. He said "I guarantee there is not one written
order. I know how Milosevic functions".
Perisic accused the international community of being "as
responsible as Milosevic for the Yugoslav Golghota". "If he only
listened to me and to some individuals from the army general staff,
he would not have been in The Hague now", Perisic said.
(hina) np sb