ZAGREB, Aug 30 (Hina) - The Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) Presidencyhas forwarded a letter to Croatian emigrants stressing that erectingmonuments to Mile Budak , a minister in the Nazi puppet government, orany officials from the
Independent State of Croatia and displayingsymbols from that period are opposed to the interest of the Croatianpeople, Croatia's independency and Croatia's struggle for its furtherinternational affirmation, the party said in a statement on Mondayevening.
ZAGREB, Aug 30 (Hina) - The Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ)
Presidency has forwarded a letter to Croatian emigrants stressing that erecting
monuments to Mile Budak , a minister in the Nazi puppet government, or any
officials from the Independent State of Croatia and displaying symbols from
that period are opposed to the interest of the Croatian people, Croatia's
independency and Croatia's struggle for its further international affirmation,
the party said in a statement on Monday evening.