ZAGREB, Aug 1 (Hina) - Along with the judgement in the case of TihomirBlaskic, by which the ICTY Appeals Chamber reduced Blaskic's sentencefrom 45 to nine years, the ICTY also published the opinions of twojudges, members of the
five-member Appeals Chamber, who did not agreewith the length of the sentence and the judgement. Evidence on the basis of which the appealschamber of the UN war crimes tribunal in The Hague established a newstate of facts and dropped the gravest charges from the indictmentagainst the former Central Bosnia Operations Zone commander, GeneralTihomir Blaskic, consists of 20 documents. All necessary formalities regarding the returnof Bosnian Croat General Tihomir Blaskic from the Netherlands toCroatia have been taken care of, Blaskic's attorney Anto Nobilo saidon Sunday. Some 50 foreigners in the reception centre ofJezevo outside Zagreb staged a riot in the night between Saturday andSunday in which five foreigne
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