WASHINGTON, July 24 (Hina) - Croatia and the United States aresatisfied with the progress in their defence cooperation and in thenext two years that cooperation will be intensified to supportCroatia's aspirations to join NATO,
delegations of the CroatianDefence Ministry and the US Department of Defence said on Friday. Croatian Foreign Minister Miomir Zuzul saidin Salzburg on Saturday that diplomatic circles were discussing thepossibility of Croatia's taking over the chair of the Organisationfor Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) in 2007. The Croatian Minister of the Sea, Transportand Development, Bozidar Kalmeta, on Saturday opened to traffic thenewly-constructed 45 kilometres of the Zagreb-Split highway from ZutaLokva to Perusic. The reconstruction of the Old Bridge in Mostarrepresents a great step forward in the process of Bosnia-Herzegovina'sintegration into Europe, because the bridge is not only a symbol ofMostar and Bo
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