ZAGREB, July 28 (Hina) - Croatian President Stjepan Mesic told CroatianTelevision on Monday evening that it was not good that cases such asthe one with Bechtel take place in in the process of Croatia's drawingcloser to the European
Union. Foreign Minister Miomir Zuzul has confirmedthat the Croatian government will respect the opinion of the EuropeanCommission on the Bechtel case and will give up its plan to make adirect deal with this US construction company without a public tenderif the Commission gives serious reasons for that. Croatian Foreign Minister Miomir Zuzul onWednesday travels to the United States where he will attend a nationalconvention of the Democratic Party in Boston, the Foreign Ministrysaid in a statement. The deputy prefect of Zadar County andvice-president of the Croatian Social Liberal Party (HSLS), StankoZrilic, said on Wednesday that his party would not allow photographsof General Ante Gotovina to be removed
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