VIENNA, July 10 (Hina) - Croatian President Stjepan Mesic was amongmore than 20 heads of state or government who attended the funeral ofAustrian President Thomas Klestil in Vienna on Saturday. Croatian People's Party (HNS) leaders
VesnaPusic and Radimir Cacic announced on Saturday that they would opennegotiations with the Social Democratic Party (SDP) and the CroatianPeasant Party (HSS) ahead of local elections, and that already todaythey would formalise a pre-election coalition with the Liberal Partyand Libra. Croatian Social Liberal Party (HSLS) leaderIvan Cehok said on Saturday that the political bipolarisation ofCroatian society was continuing and that the situation was beingadditionally radicalised by Social Democratic Party (SDP) leader IvicaRacan. The seminar called 'Democratic Control Overthe Security Sector in South-East of Europe' began on the southernCroatian island of Sipan on Saturday within the third internationalsumm
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