VUKOVAR, June 25 (Hina) - The central celebration of Statehood Day, andthe end of the training and the promotion of 370 students of allCroatian Armed Forces schools were held in the eastern town of Vukovaron Friday under the motto
"Ovcara Never Again". Like the town of Vukovar, Croatia's militaryare being rebuilt, adapted in size and structure to the requirementsand possibilities of the country and the demands of the environment,President of the Republic and Armed Forces Supreme Commander StjepanMesic said in the eastern town, which sustained massive damage duringlast decade's war, on Friday. On the occasion of Croatia's Statehood Day, adelegation of the city authorities and the assembly of the easterncity of Vukovar on Friday laid wreaths and lit candles in front of thememorial plaque at the cemetery of victims of the Homeland DefenceWar. For the first time since the peaceful reintegration of theCroatian Danube area, members of t
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