ZAGREB, July 6 (Hina) - Croatia stands a very good chance of makingfurther progress in fulfilling its commitments from the mandate of theOrganisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) mission ifthe government continues
implementing what it has announced, OSCEmission chief Peter Semneby said at a press conference in Zagreb onTuesday. General Mirko Novac will travel to The Hague toenter a plea before the UN criminal tribunal for the formerYugoslavia, after which he is supposed to return to Croatia, JusticeMinister Vesna Skare Ozbolt said in Zagreb on Tuesday. Croatian President Stjepan Mesic on Tuesdayanswered questions by locals who gathered in a primary school in thetown of Gracac on this occasion. Some 150 citizens who attended thispanel discussion with the president, were mainly interested in therestitution of property, solution of housing problems and relationsbetween legal owners and occupants who have moved unlawful
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