PLOCE, July 9 (Hina) - President Stjepan Mesic visited the southernseaport of Ploce on Friday where he met local government and portofficials for talks on development projects. The question of use of the southern CroatianAdriatic port
of Ploce should be resolved in the common economicinterest of Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatian Foreign MinisterMiomir Zuzul and his Bosnian counterpart Mladen Ivanic agreed at ameeting in Zagreb on Friday. Croatian Deputy Prime Minister Jadranka Kosoron Friday received the Croat members of a visiting Bosnian Serb entitydelegation, the government's public relations office said in a pressrelease. The Croatian parliament continued its eighthsession on Friday with a debate on amendments to the Law on CivilServants, which propose simplification of the procedure for admissionto civil service. The Croatian parliament on Friday adopted lawson higher excise duties on cars and cigarettes. As a result,
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