The bishops remembered all those who resisted the early 1990s aggression against Croatia and enabled a peaceful and safe creation of a society for all, as well as all who gave their lives in the defence of the homeland.
The statement was issued by the Secretariat of the Croatian Bishops' Conference.
The bishops also thanked all those who sacrificed themselves, notably Croatian soldiers, and encouraged those responsible to make sure that the contributions of all Croatian war veterans, both those killed and those still alive, be evaluated fairly.
The bishops rejected all attempts to question the legitimacy of operations Flash and Storm because of individual cases of violations of international conventions on the law of the war.
"The Church, which spiritually and morally supported the just aspirations of Croatian citizens for freedom and independence, which it continues to do, encourages the promotion of the common good, fairness, peace and development in the Croatian society. It does not tire of encouraging and calling on all Croatian citizens to return to their homes. It pays particular attention and promotes the process of reconciliation, both within the Croatian nation and among peoples," read the statement.
"Only reconciliation and forgiving create the necessary prerequisite for a harmonious coexistence among people."
The bishops also said that the tenth anniversary of operations Flash and Storm bound all Croatian citizens and all those responsible in society to work for the common good responsibly and harmoniously.
The bishops called for a joint promotion of every person's dignity and a consistent respect for human rights in a bid to build a better future for all in Croatia.