Croatia is the only Balkan country for which more than half of the respondents were in favour of its joining the EU. Croatia is followed by Bulgaria whose admission is supported by 50 percent of the EU population, Romania and Ukraine (45 percent each), Macedonia (43 percent), Bosnia-Herzegovina (42 percent), Serbia and Montenegro (40 percent), Albania (36 percent) and Turkey (35 percent). A total of 34 percent of the interviewed EU citizens were against Croatia's admission while 14 percent was undecided.
Half of the respondents in the 25 EU member states are in favour of further EU enlargement. Support for further enlargement is the strongest in ten new member states.
Croatian citizens took part in the poll for the first time and 66 percent of the respondents supported further EU enlargement.
However, only 28 percent of the respondents in Croatia have a positive opinion about the European Union which, along with Great Britain is the lowest percentage in Europe.