ZAGREB, May 26 (Hina) - About 50 Homeland Defence War veterans onThursday embarked on a traditional five-day tour of Croatia in memoryof Croatian soldiers who were killed during the war. The2,500-kilometre tour through the country
began in Zagreb and the finaldestination is also Zagreb, namely the central cemetery of Mirogojwhere the participants will pay tribute to all who died for Croatia on30 May.
ZAGREB, May 26 (Hina) - About 50 Homeland Defence War veterans on
Thursday embarked on a traditional five-day tour of Croatia in memory of
Croatian soldiers who were killed during the war. The 2,500-kilometre tour
through the country began in Zagreb and the final destination is also Zagreb,
namely the central cemetery of Mirogoj where the participants will pay tribute
to all who died for Croatia on 30 May. Deputy Prime Minister and
Minister of War Veterans' Affairs, Jadrank Kosor, who is the sponsor of this
tour, saw off the procession of the cars in Selska Street in front of the Wall
of Pain..
"The ministry will always support activities of Croatian veterans aimed
at promoting the values of the Homeland Defence War, but photos of Ante
Gotovina that were noticed on some cars after the procession started the trip
are in our opinion unnecessary politicisation of this commendable action,"
Kosor said later in a press release.
The release was issued as Kosor wanted subsequently to distance herself
from and condemn the act of some participants who displayed photos of the
fugitive general Ante Gotovina, who is wanted by the UN war crimes tribunal, on
their cars.