HUP recalls that Mudrinic was elected to this post at this association's proposal, as Mudrinic deserves it because of his long-standing commitment, experience and work in HUP in which he has promoted entrepreneurs' interests.
The KHIP said on Thursday that the election of a representative of a multinational company as president of the Economic and Social Council was a serious blow to the social dialogue in Croatia. KHIP said in a statement that Wednesday's decision of the GSV to appoint the president of the T-HT telecommunications company's management board, Ivica Mudrinic, president of the national tripartite body was "yet another precedent which shows that the Croatian model of social dialogue is getting further away from European practice".
KHIP criticised also the Croatian Employers' Association for obstructing its admission to the GSV, adding that Croatia was the only European country where an association representing less than one percent of economic subjects was a partner to unions and the government.