SARAJEVO, Aug 7 (Hina) - The Head of the Office of the High Representative inBanja Luka, Graham Day, resigned late on Friday last week, the Office of the High Representative said in a statement on Monday, adding that Day resigned last
Friday at a meeting with High Representative Christian Schwarz-Schilling as a result of irreconcilable differences over internal issues relating to the management of the OHR Banja Luka.
SARAJEVO, Aug 7 (Hina) - The Head of the Office of the High
Representative inBanja Luka, Graham Day, resigned late on Friday last week, the
Office of the High Representative said in a statement on Monday, adding that
Day resigned last Friday at a meeting with High Representative Christian
Schwarz-Schilling as a result of irreconcilable differences over internal
issues relating to the management of the OHR Banja Luka. Despite
this disagreement, Schwarz-Schilling thanked Day, who had been head of the
OHR"s regional office in Banja Luka since September 2002, for his work for the
OHR and his contribution to implementation of the Dayton Peace Agreement.
The OHR is in the process of finding a replacement for the Canadian
official. Day"s successor will play a key role in facilitating the OHR"s
transition to an Office of the EU Special Representative in the Banja Luka
regional office, the OHR reported.