Speaking to reporters on Wednesday, Friscic said that the collapse of the government's export campaign was continuing and presented data showing that in the first five months of this year Croatia imported agricultural and food products amounting to more than USD 792 million, USD 100 million or 13.6% more than in the same period of 2006, which saw the highest imports in Croatia's history, amounting to USD 1.85 billion.
In the first five months of this year, the export of agricultural and food products was USD 451 million, seven million or 1.5% less than in the same period last year.
"Exports have been falling and imports have been on the rise, and the foreign trade deficit in the first five months of this year was a record USD 340 million, or 42.6% more than in the same period last year," Friscic said.
HSS vice-president Bozidar Pankretic called on the government to urgently submit to parliament a so-called green report, saying that relevant data showed that the government and Agriculture Minister Petar Cobankovic had not managed to curb imports.