Liverpool pamuk - indikacije - 20. rujna 1996.
INDEX 95/96 "A" 75,00 - ( 74,65) PRIJE
INDEX 95/96 "B" 74,40 - ( 73,75) PRIJE
Liverpool pamuk - isporuke - 20. rujna 1996.
U Američkim cenrtima po libri
AMER N.O/TEXAS MIDD 1-1/32(96/97) Stu/Pro 82.50
AMER MEMPHIS TERR. MIDD 1-3/32(96/97) Stu/Pro 85.00
S.BRAZILIAN TYPE 5/6 1-1/16(96/97) ------ nije
PARAGUAYAN MIDD 1-3/32(96/97) ------ nije
ARGENTINE GRD C-1/2 1-1/16(96/97) ------ nije
TURK ADANA STD.1 1-1/16(96/97) ------ nije
TURK IZMIR/ANT ST.1 1-3/32 RG(96/97) ------ nije
CENTRAL ASIAN MIDD 1-3/32(96/97) Stu/Pro 70.50
PAK SIND/PUNJAB-AFZAL 1-1/32(96/97) Sij/Velj 73.25
AFRICAN"FRANC ZONE'SM 1-3/32(96/97) Pro/Sij 76.50
AUSTRALIAN SM 1-3/32(96/97) Tra/Svi 82.50
SUDAN BARAKAT NO. X4B ------ nije
SUDAN ACALA 1 (96/97) ------ nije
PERU TANGIUS GRD 3-1/2 ------ nije
PERU PIMA GRD 1 1-9/16 ------ nije
European cotton market ends week firmer
LIVERPOOL, England, Sept 20 (Reuter) - Asking prices for
most upland raw cottons ended the week firmer following the
recovery by New York futures, industry sources said on Friday.
But sentiment among mill buyers in most of Europe was little
changed, with spinners continuing to cover only pressing needs.
The long staple market has been assessing the interest
generated by Egypt's opening prices, announced last weekend.
The volume of bids submitted to Alexandria should be known
early next week, but initial indications are for a subdued
response. Attention has also focused on the level of offers of
U.S. Pima, which promises to offer serious competition.
231110 MET sep 96
Broj zaposlenih u industriji na godišnjoj razini pao dva posto
Zaposlenici FBI-a moraju otkriti svoje uloge u istragama o napadu na Kapitol
NBA: Toronto bolji od Clippersa, visok poraz Dallasa
Prvo odredište američkog ministra obrane Hegsetha je meksička granica
Ugušeni prosvjedi u Gruziji, EU osuđuje obračun s prosvjednicima
SVJETSKA TRŽIŠTA: Azijske burze oštro pale, SAD uveo carine
NBA: Zubac upisao 18 koševa i 8 skokova
HAK: Prometne nesreće na A4 i na zagrebačkoj obilaznici
Čelnici EU-a okupljaju se radi jačanja europskih obrambenih sposobnosti
NHL: Rezultati