Liverpool pamuk - indikacije - 10. rujna 1997.
INDEX 97/98 "A" 79,55 - (79,60) PRIJE
INDEX 97/98 "B" 74,00 - (74,00) PRIJE
Liverpool pamuk - isporuke - 10. rujna 1997.
U Američkim cenrtima po libri
TEXAS M MIDD 1-1/32(97/98) STU/PRO 79.25
MEMPHIS MIDD 1-3/32(97/98) STU/PRO 82.25
S.BRAZILIAN TYPE 7 1-1/16(97/98) ------ nije navedeno
PARAGUAYAN MIDD 1-3/32(97/98) ------ nije navedeno
ARGENTINE GRD D 1-1/16(97/98) ------ nije navedeno
ADANA ST.1 1-1/16(97/98) ------ nije navedeno
IZMIR ST.1 1-3/32 RG(97/98) ------ nije navedeno
PAK ADNAS 1 INCH(97/98) ------ nije navedeno
AFRICANžFRANC ZONEžSM 1-1/8 (97/98) SIJ/VELJ 79.50
AUSTRALIAN S.M 1-1/8 (97/98) TRA/SVI 85.50
SUDAN X4B 1-3/32(97/98) RUJ/LIS 88.50
SUDAN ACALA 1RG (97/98) RUJ/LIS 69.25
------ ------------ ------- ---
PERU PIMA GRD 1 1-9/16 ------ nije navedeno
European cotton sees continued spinner enquiry
LONDON, Sept 10 (Reuter) - Enquiry has been mentioned from
spinners in several European markets for additional quantities
of raw cotton to meet shipment requirements during October and
through to the end of the year, traders said.
Attention has focused on African Franc Zone styles, though
many mills would apparently prefer to purchase Central Asian, a
growth to which they may have become increasingly accustomed
during the past few years.
Italy is typically of the current pattern of demand. Mills
want fresh supplies nearby but have little interest in entering
purchasing commitments beyond the turn of the year, since they
foresee a continued weakness in prices as the season progresses.
Enquiry from fine spinners continues to be directed towards
Egyptian new crop but the volume of additional business
concluded this week is thought to be modest so far, traders
111101 MET sep 97
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SP juniora, šah: Četvrta pobjeda Lovre Novosela, poraz Sare Balent
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Lik Elona Muska spaljen na karnevalu u Mostaru
Srbija: Vučić traži kaznenu odgovornost za vinovnike današnjih nereda u parlamentu
Vaterpolo: Pobjeda splitskog Jadrana na Kantridi
Njemačka: Unija i SPD i prije formiranja vlade dogovorili pojačana ulaganja u obranu