U.S. pamuk prodaja na tržištu - 12. kolovoza 1997.
Ukupna prodaja na 7 tržišta
u SAD-u 581 ( 123 prijašnji dan)
Prosiječna cijena 1-1/16 inch cotton
72,35 centi (71,29 prijašnji dan)
NEW YORK - pamuk zatvaranje - 12. kolovoza 1997.
OCT7 74.81 74.25 74.95 74.20 74.75 74.79
DEC7 74.80 74.30 74.95 74.26 74.75 74.78
MAR8 76.20 75.60 76.22 75.60 76.10 76.15
MAY8 76.16 76.20 76.20 76.16 76.73 76.75
JUL8 77.35 76.50 77.55 76.85 77.30 77.33
OCT8 75.40 75.15 75.60 75.15 75.40 75.40
DEC8 74.50 74.25 74.55 74.20 74.50 74.50
MAR9 75.20 75.60 75.70
MAY9 75.50 75.90 76.00
JUL9 75.75 76.20 76.30
NYCE cotton ends firmer amid brisk fund buying
NEW YORK, Aug 12 (Reuter) - NYCE cotton futures closed
higher and over key resistance on USDA's monthly supply and
demand report, market sources said.
USDA trimmed its estimate of the 1997/98 U.S. crop to 17.8
million bales from 18.0 million bales in July, prompting
cautious buying on the open and the re-open.
Speculative shortcovering emerged when December broke
through its upside target of 74.50 cents a lb and carried the
contract to the day's high of 74.95 cents amid a lack of trade
"Every time the market dipped it has been the ring taking
profits but there has been very little trade selling," a floor
source said.
Dealers added that limit-up CBOT corn prices supported
cotton futures.
They pegged the next upside target at 75.20 cents followed
by 76.00 cents for December delivery.
Most-active December cotton ended up 1.02 cents at 74.78
cents after trading from 74.95 to 74.26 cents. The rest closed
1.08 to 0.55 higher.
An estimated 18,000 lots changed hands against Monday's
official tally of 13,133 lots.
Some analysts believe that recent hot temperatures and good
moisture levels could result in a larger crop than the USDA has
"After the rains (production) could be more," said Ernest
Simon, vice president with Prudential Securities.
Weather reports from U.S. producer states revealed that
scattered showers improved growing conditions, National
Aricultural Statistics Service said.
In Mississippi, the weather has sped the development of the
crop which was planted late in the season while insect pressure
has remained light. Hot temperatures in Texas prompted bolls to
open in the Blacklands and the central part of the state.
131029 MET aug 97
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