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LONDONSKA BURZA KOVINA: SLUŽBENE CIJENE 16.07.1997. LME OFFICIAL PRICES - JUL 16 CASH 3 MTHS 15 MTHS 27 MTHS SETT COPPER 2454.0/55.0 2263.0/64.0 2115.0/25.0 2055.0/65.0 2455 (STG EQV) 1465.67 1355.74 TIN 5404/5405 5455/5460 5635/5645 5405 LEAD 616.00/7.00 631.50/2.00 638.00/3.00 617 (STG EQV) 368.36 378.46 ZINC 1481.0/82.0 1490.0/91.0 1318.0/23.0 1243.0/48.0 1482 ALU.HG 1532.0/33.0 1560.0/60.5 1600.0/05.0 1610.0/15.0 1533 NICKEL 6705/6710 6810/6815 7105/7125 7345/7365 6710 ALALLOY 1397.0/00.0 1425.0/30.0 1485.0/05.0 1400 SETTLEMENT RATES - GBP 1.675 DEM 1.7915 JPY 115.75 Copper takes a breather during LME midday LONDON, July 16 (Reuter) - Copper prices stabilised above the $2,250 support level on Wednesday despite being rocked by uncertainty over nearby tightness, a wide backwardation and a surprisingly big stock increase. Most other base metals followed suit to take a breather in the latter part of the midday session except for nickel, which hit a fresh six-month low amid fund liquidation and ended the kerb $125 lower. Three months copper meanwhile finished at $2,260 per tonne, a decline of $18 from Tuesday's kerb close. But the price well off the day's low of $2,247 and traders said it may have found a foothold for now. Cash to three months backwardation, which had flared dramatically to a peak $270 on Tuesday, also contracted throughout the morning to end the midday session around $180/$190, from $200 in the pre-market. Nearby spreads remained tight, with tomorrow/next day peaking at $24 -- just below the London Metal Exchange (LME) limit of $26, or one percent of the previous day's cash settlement price -- and cash/day trading at $19. Traders said the morning's LME stock rise of 17,025 tonnes was mainly behind the contracting cash/threes. Market tightness had been expected over the next couple of weeks. "It's going to take the pressure off the market somewhat for the next few days," a trader said. But traders said they were suspicious of the volume of the inventory rise, and several suggested it may have been orchestrated by one or more players to get the price lower. "A game is being played. But they're always being played," a trader said. "People were expecting stocks to go up, but not that much in one day. This was done to push the price down," said another, adding that actual volumes were relatively light. Other markets were mixed. Aluminium generally followed copper to end $3 softer at $1,560. It was expected to hold above support in the $1,540-$1,550 band. Zinc shrugged off copper's weakness, bouncing off a dip to $1,481 to end unchanged at $1,491. "Zinc is really the only metal that hasn't been traumatised by copper," a trader noted. But nickel came under fund liquidation and broke below the $6,800 level, beneath which it triggered sell stops and fell lower, traders said. Prices slid below recent lows and posted a fresh nadir since January 10 of $6,720. It bounced slighlty from there but still finished $125 lower at $6,750. Tin, also a recent casualty of fund selling, was at $5,430, down $85. Weaker lead was last quoted at $634/635 versus $638 on Tuesday and alloy was also quiet and little changed. _________________________________________________________________ STANJE LME ZALIHA NA DAN - 16.07.1997. - po pojedinim skladištima _________________________________________________________________ ++ COPPER WIRE BARS + ANTWERP 50 HAMBURG 25 ++ COPPER CATHODES + ANTWERP 775 DUNKIRK 200 BREMEN 850 HAMBURG 5250 ROTTERDAM 6750 LEGHORN 1025 TRIESTE 7925 BARCELONA 175 BILBAO 12200 GOTHENBURG 12975 HELSINBORG 6400 LIVERPOOL 850 CHICAGO 150 LONG BEACH 60200 LOS ANGELE 9000 ST LOUIS 3075 SINGAPORE 32450 ++ TIN ++ ANTWERP 10 HAMBURG 125 ROTTERDAM 6285 GENOA 260 BILBAO 40 HULL 265 LIVERPOOL 4535 BALTIMORE 190 LONG BEACH 5 LOS ANGELE 135 NEW HAVEN 30 ++ LEAD + HAMBURG 300 ROTTERDAM 1975 GENOA 7075 BARCELONA 100 GOTHENBURG 12125 HELSINBORG 80550 GOOLE 1525 HULL 750 LIVERPOOL 2075 SUNDERLAND 75 DETROIT 750 LONG BEACH 3675 SINGAPORE 6325 ++ ZINC + ANTWERP 20425 BREMEN 500 HAMBURG 350 ROTTERDAM 100950 PIRAEUS 275 GENOA 17775 TRIESTE 117525 BARCELONA 13050 BILBAO 13175 GOTHENBURG 10375 HELSINBORG 62800 LIVERPOOL 12500 CHICAGO 200 ST LOUIS 12475 SINGAPORE 36875 ++ NICKEL + ANTWERP 1308 ROTTERDAM 38016 GENOA 288 TRIESTE 48 GOTHENBURG 12576 LIVERPOOL 72 NEW HAVEN 120 SINGAPORE 1362 ++ ALUMINIUM ++ ANTWERP 425 ROTTERDAM 26400 TRIESTE 375 BILBAO 125 GOTHENBURG 41550 HELSINBORG 119825 AVONMOUTH 27475 HULL 120400 LIVERPOOL 176050 NEWCASTLE 94375 SUNDERLAND 45425 DETROIT 50 HAKATA 50 MOJI 50 SINGAPORE 6375 ++ ALUMINIUM ALLOY ++ ANTWERP 4340 DUNKIRK 320 DUISBERG 520 HAMBURG 180 ROTTERDAM 1380 BRESCIA 1080 GENOA 6300 TRIESTE 3180 BARCELONA 80 BILBAO 1480 GOTHENBURG 220 HULL 560 LIVERPOOL 22940 CHICAGO 2920 DETROIT 820 LONG BEACH 9260 ST LOUIS 1600 SINGAPORE 60 _________________________________________________________________ STANJE LME ZALIHA NA DAN 16. srpnja 1997. količine su u tonama _________________________________________________________________ COPPER 160325 UP 17025 TIN 11880 DOWN 35 LEAD 117300 UNCH NGED ZINC 419250 DOWN 500 ALUMINIUM 658950 DOWN 1100 NICKEL 53790 UP 756 AL.ALLOY 57240 DOWN 280 STOCK IN OUT COPPER wire bars 75 0 0 COPPER cathodes 160250 17125 100 TIN 11880 65 100 LEAD 117300 50 50 ZINC 419250 450 950 NICKEL briquettes 6060 0 144 NICKEL cathodes 47694 1026 126 NICKEL pellets 36 0 0 STOCK IN OUT ALUMINIUM ingots 284125 0 1000 ALUMINIUM T-bars 224375 500 375 ALUMINIUM sows 150450 0 225 AL.ALLOY D12S/JIS 400 0 0 AL.ALLOY 226/DIN 31400 0 200 AL.ALLOY A380.1 25440 0 80 LME - warehouse stock movements LONDON, Jul 16 - Latest LME warehouse stock changes are: copper up 17025, tin down 35, lead unchanged, zinc down 500, aluminium down 1100, nickel up 756, aluminium alloy down 280 FRANCUSKA BURZA - 15. srpnja 1997. BAKAR FFR/100 KG 1639 KOSITAR FFR/100 KG 3942 CINK EL. FFR/100 KG 950 ALUMINIJ FFR/100 KG 1260 SREB. C3E FFR/KG 793/934 PLATINA FFR/KG 74000/104900 PALADIJ FFR/KG 32000/42200 IRIDIJ FFR/KG 26600/49100 KOBALT FFR/100 KG 37222 ŽIVA FFR/100 KG 5200 161545 MET jul 97

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