COPPER 2557.0/58.0 2402.0/03.0 2160.0/70.0 2050.0/60.0 2558
(STG EQV) 1517.92 1430.07
TIN 5489/5490 5530/5535 5670/5680 5490
LEAD 644.00/4.50 655.00/6.00 670.00/5.00 644.5
(STG EQV) 382.45 390.4
ZINC 1466.5/67.5 1475.0/75.5 1345.0/50.0 1273.0/78.0 1467.5
ALU.HG 1575.0/75.5 1599.0/99.5 1628.0/33.0 1632.0/37.0 1575.5
NICKEL 6820/6825 6915/6916 7205/7225 7430/7450 6825
ALALLOY 1410.5/11.5 1440.0/43.0 1500.0/20.0 1411.5
SETTLEMENT RATES - GBP 1.6852 DEM 1.7528 JPY 113.52
LME bides time at midsession, prices wilt slightly
LONDON, July 4 (Reuter) - Base metal business was slow
during Friday LME trading, with a holiday-affected market almost
grinding to a halt at times.
Contracts tended to drift lower after an early upside move,
with copper and aluminium around psychological downside levels.
Lead hit a three-month high, then got bogged down, while zinc
consolidated some way under Thursday's 6-3/4 year highs.
"There is very little to say really. There is a U.S.
holiday (Independence Day), a bit of a chart correction and
nothing exciting in the stocks," one trader said.
Lead sparkled during the pre-market, when prices snapped
higher on speculative buying and some buy-stops, before a
three-month peak of $663 was the signal for some resistance to
kick in.
"It (the advance) was partly due to zinc recently, and there
is also a bit of tightness in September. But mostly, it seems
the funds just bought a bit," another trader said.
Commission house buying kicked in on dips, and last kerb
business was at $658 a tonne, up $19 from Thursday's kerb close.
Lead was the exception to the trend, as all other metals
moved lower this morning.
Copper spent most of the session aimlessly just above
$2,400, with the spread holding at a $150/155 backwardation.
July tightness was underlined by July/threes business at $160,
and July/two weeks at $80.
A copper trader said that the July tightness was preventing
the market drifting back with physical activity slowing all the
time. Prices closed the kerb at $2,403, down $1.
Zinc held in a tight range throughout the session,
indicative of a market taking a well-needed breather after some
stunning advances this week.
Traders expect the underlying scenario of forward tightness
to result in the market testing $1,500 once the correction has
run its course. Three months closed the kerb at $1,471, down $5.
Aluminium came to life when prices dropped under $1,600
momentarily, with some short-covering arresting the decline.
Another stock fall helped the market, which was $1.50 softer at
There was little significant interest in the other metals,
with nickel drifting back slightly to $6,920, down $10. Alloy
was about $7 easier at $1,450, while tin was neglected and
indicated at a little-changed $5,525/30.
041506 MET jul 97
Zelenskij vidi "pozitivne pomake" u suradnji sa SAD-om
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