SAD - KAKAO Trgovačke spot cijene 21. svibnja 1997.
minimalne količine u vagonima, cijene u am. dolarima po toni
Ghana Maincrop 1714.00 N
Ivory Maincrop Maincrop 1669.00 N
Bahia superior Superior 1681.00 N
Sanchez FAQ FAQ 1548.00 N
Sulwaesi SAQ FAQ 1503.00 N
Arriba Superior Superior 1548.00 N
Malaysia 110 1593.00 N
Liquor Ecuador 2204.00 N
Liquor Brazil 2378.00 N
Maslac African 4151.00 N
Maslac drugi 4101.00 N
Natural Cake 10/12% 570.00 N
NEW YORK - Kakao cijene pri zatvaranju burze 21. svibnja 1997.
JUL7 1486 1468 1494 1459 1485 1486
SEP7 1513 1495 1519 1490 1512 1512
DEC7 1542 1527 1548 1527 1543 1544
MAR8 1566 1550 1566 1540 1569 1569
MAY8 1570 1591 1591
JUL8 1585 1611 1611
SEP8 1600 1626 1626
DEC8 1639 1621 1648 1621 1635 1638
MAR9 1665 1676 1676
CSCE cocoa ends up, July near one-month high
NEW YORK, May 21 (Reuter) - CSCE cocoa futures ended
broadly higher on Wednesday, with the benchmark July contract
climbing to its highest level in nearly a month, on local and
speculative buying, traders said.
CSCE July futures rose $17 a tonne, to end at $1,486,
after trading between $1,494 and $1,459. Second-month September
also closed $17 higher, at $1,512, while the back months
gained $10 to $16.
Traders said the July contract's breach of light technical
resistance at $1,480 a tonne triggered buy orders and pushed
the spot contract to a peak of $1,494, the bottom of a
$1,494-$1,501 chart gap. They noted light origin sales capped
today's upswing.
"Locals were shooting for the gap, but they didn't get
it," said one trader. "It was a solid close and we'll see if
it follows through tomorrow. If it fills the gap and settles
above it, it would be positive technically."
But while traders said much of the day's buying was
technically inspired, they noted remarks by the Ivory Coast
Commodities Minister and currency fluctuations aided the
"It added a little spark," said one trader. "But I still
think this was silly season-type and insurance buying."
Ivorian Commodities Minister Guy-Alain Gauze, who was in
London for a meeting on coffee, said he planned go to Brazil
at the end of June for talks on how to improve prices.
Gauze hinted that the Ivory Coast might consider holding
back cocoa sales. "This is something we are thinking about,"
he said.
But while today's volume was double Tuesday's turnover --
reaching an estimated 6,531 lots -- traders said activity was
still relatively subdued. Despite today's rise, the July
contract was still in its recent $1,450-$1,500 trading range,
they noted.
Technically, trader said after the chart gap, July would
probably run into light resistance at $1,510. A major upside
hurdle was noted at around $1,530. On the downside, July
support was pegged at $1,475-$1,470.
221057 MET may 97
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SVJETSKA TRŽIŠTA: Europske burze porasle uoči odluka ECB-a
Razrješenja i imenovanja u Uredu predsjednika Republike
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