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LME OFFICIAL PRICES - MAR 21 CASH 3 MTHS 15 MTHS 27 MTHS SETT COPPER 2421.5/22.5 2370.0/71.0 2110.0/20.0 2050.0/60.0 2422.5 (STG EQV) 1513.68 1483.62 TIN 5900/5910 5950/5955 5980/5990 5910 LEAD 693.00/4.00 693.00/3.50 677.00/2.00 694 (STG EQV) 433.64 433.95 ZINC 1277.0/78.0 1298.0/99.0 1260.0/65.0 1203.0/08.0 1278 ALU.HG 1626.0/26.5 1656.0/57.0 1645.0/50.0 1623.0/28.0 1626.5 NICKEL 7870/7871 7984/7985 8175/8195 8320/8340 7871 ALALLOY 1520.0/25.0 1548.0/50.0 1595.0/15.0 1525 SETTLEMENT RATES - GBP 1.6004 DEM 1.6929 JPY 123.34 Copper ends LME AM off highs, others sag LONDON, March 22 (Reuter) - Base metal markets traded routinely on the LME on Friday, and although a mostly steadier tone existed on the complex there was little excitement, traders said. Copper extended this week's useful rally away from the $2,300 level, following a larger-than expected drop in stocks. Inventories fell by 9,675 tonnes, due to a shipment from Singapore to China. However, this shipment was fairly small, and did not represent the major purchasing expected from this quarter some time this year, physical traders said. On the market, meanwhile, the backwardation widened out to around $50 from $40 on Thursday, which also helped prices run-up towards expected resistance at $2,375. The advance was stemmed at this level, with volumes thin, and the market may need to re-group in the short-term before another upside attempt. Last three months business was at $2,366, up $14.50 a tonne from Thursday's kerb close. Elsewhere, interest was lacklustre and some markets turned lower after a mixed inventory report. Aluminium was unable to gain much succour from a 5,525-tonne stock fall, due to scale-up Far Eastern selling and expectations of forward sales. Last kerb trade was at $1,655, the session low and a $14 loss from yesterday. Nickel prices were depressed by a 234-tonne stock rise, and backtracked under $8,000 to end the kerb at $7,970, down $70. Similarly, a 410-tonne jump in tin stocks, possibly due to this week's short-lived backwardation, pushed prices of that metal lower. Last business was at $5,920, down $105. Both lead and zinc traded quietly and struggled to remain around overnight levels. Lead drifted back to finish the kerb at $692, down $2, while zinc relinquished its hold on $1,300, and was $8 softer at $1,297. Alloy was quiet throughout the morning, and was indicated at $1,548/50, down slightly from Thursday. FRANCUSKA BURZA - 21. ožujka 1997. BAKAR FFR/100 KG 1447 KOSITAR FFR/100 KG 3978 CINK EL. FFR/100 KG 804 ALUMINIJ FFR/100 KG 1200 SREB. C3E FFR/KG 904/1065 PLATINA FFR/KG 62300/92800 PALADIJ FFR/KG 25900/34300 IRIDIJ FFR/KG 29800/52300 KOBALT FFR/100 KG 36103 ŽIVA FFR/100 KG 5200 NJEMAČKA BURZA - 20. ožujka 1997. - u DEM po 100 kg GERMAN ELEKTROLITIK 401.11/412.52 OLOVO U KABELIMA 99.94% 131.75/132.75 _________________________________________________________________ _ STANJE LME ZALIHA NA DAN - 21.03.1997. - po pojedinim skladištima _________________________________________________________________ _ ++ COPPER WIRE BARS + ANTWERP 50 HAMBURG 25 ++ COPPER CATHODES + ANTWERP 1400 DUNKIRK 50 HAMBURG 21200 ROTTERDAM 12075 PIRAEUS 25 GENOA 150 LEGHORN 525 TRIESTE 19775 BARCELONA 225 BILBAO 11850 GOTHENBURG 14275 HELSINBORG 9175 LIVERPOOL 25 LONG BEACH 47500 ST LOUIS 300 SINGAPORE 46000 LOSA... 3150 ++ TIN ++ ANTWERP 10 HAMBURG 125 ROTTERDAM 3810 GENOA 395 TRIESTE 15 BILBAO 40 HULL 410 LIVERPOOL 4165 BALTIMORE 425 CHICAGO 20 LONG BEACH 5 NEW HAVEN 50 LOSA... 35 ++ LEAD + ANTWERP 100 HAMBURG 875 ROTTERDAM 1675 GENOA 2575 GOTHENBURG 9925 HELSINBORG 80550 GOOLE 225 HULL 900 LIVERPOOL 50 SUNDERLAND 300 DETROIT 750 LONG BEACH 500 SINGAPORE 9175 ++ ZINC + ANTWERP 47825 DUNKIRK 1200 BREMEN 1625 HAMBURG 1175 ROTTERDAM 165850 PIRAEUS 275 GENOA 13800 TRIESTE 114450 BARCELONA 13075 BILBAO 13250 GOTHENBURG 10625 HELSINBORG 58050 LIVERPOOL 13375 CHICAGO 200 SINGAPORE 5675 ++ NICKEL + ANTWERP 858 ROTTERDAM 35610 GENOA 150 TRIESTE 54 GOTHENBURG 9288 LONG BEACH 96 NEW HAVEN 120 SINGAPORE 600 ++ ALUMINIUM ++ ANTWERP 2050 ROTTERDAM 59125 TRIESTE 575 BILBAO 500 GOTHENBURG 46125 HELSINBORG 148625 AVONMOUTH 27750 HULL 111750 LIVERPOOL 266475 NEWCASTLE 129625 SUNDERLAND 51025 DETROIT 1200 NEW HAVEN 2050 HAKATA 50 MOJI 50 SINGAPORE 17325 ++ ALUMINIUM ALLOY ++ ANTWERP 5980 DUNKIRK 2080 DUISBERG 660 HAMBURG 60 ROTTERDAM 1020 BRESCIA 2520 GENOA 2880 TRIESTE 7380 BARCELONA 80 BILBAO 1800 GOTHENBURG 220 DERBY 480 HULL 760 LIVERPOOL 27840 CHICAGO 4200 DETROIT 1320 LONG BEACH 10320 ST LOUIS 3160 _________________________________________________________________ _ STANJE LME ZALIHA NA DAN 21. ožujka 1997. količine su u tonama _________________________________________________________________ _ COPPER 187775 DOWN 9675 TIN 9505 UP 410 LEAD 107600 DOWN 625 ZINC 460450 DOWN 2850 ALUMINIUM 864300 DOWN 5525 NICKEL 46776 UP 234 AL.ALLOY 72760 DOWN 200 STOCK IN OUT COPPER wire bars 75 0 0 COPPER cathodes 187700 100 9775 TIN 9505 535 125 LEAD 107600 0 625 ZINC 460450 850 3700 NICKEL briquettes 4560 0 0 NICKEL cathodes 42180 414 180 NICKEL pellets 36 0 0 STOCK IN OUT ALUMINIUM ingots 373500 0 3250 ALUMINIUM T-bars 313800 350 7750 ALUMINIUM sows 177000 5575 450 AL.ALLOY D12S/JIS 500 0 0 AL.ALLOY 226/DIN 42760 400 660 AL.ALLOY A380.1 29500 100 40 211607 MET mar 97

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