18. ožujka 1997.
cijene su u australskim centima po kg
Fine merino 19m 879 Med merino 21m 703
Fine merino 20m 749 Med merino 22m 660
Broad merino 23m 556 Comeback 25m 519
Broad merino 24m 529 Comeback 26m 506n
Fine Xbred 27m 498n Med Xbred 29m 488
Fine Xbred 28m 492n Med Xbred 30m 477
Med Xbred 31m 472n Merino cardings 455
Xbred cardings 394n Eastern mkt ind 623
RTRS-Australian wool indicator falls 3c to 623c/kg
MELBOURNE, March 18 (Reuter) - The Australian wool market
eastern indicator fell three cents to 623 cents a kg clean on
Tuesday at sales in Sydney and Melbourne, Wool International
Merino fleece was mostly cheaper, with 19 micron one percent
cheaper, 20/21/25m slightly cheaper, 22m unchanged and 23/24m
0.5 percent cheaper.
Merino skirtings of 19/20/21m were one percent cheaper and
22m slightly dearer, it said.
In crossbreds, 26m was up to one percent cheaper, 27/28/31m
0.5 percent cheaper and 29/30m one percent cheaper.
In cardings, merino lambs were generally unchanged,
crossbred lambs and locks one percent cheaper, and crutchings
two percent cheaper.
WI said Japanese interests including China were principal
buyers with support from Taiwan and Western Europe.
Of the 28,033 bales offered, 7.3 percent were passed in.
Sales continue Wednesday in Sydney, Melbourne and Fremantle
with about 42,700 bales to be offered.
Bradford - cijene vune - 17. ožujka 1997.
cijene u penijima/kg
70s SUPER 526 58s SUPER 387
66s SUPER 484 58s BLENDED 368
64s SUPER 429 56s SUPER 347
64s BLENDED 416 54s CARDED 330
60s SUPER 404 50s CARDED 325
60s BLENDED 382 58s ENGLISH 273
56s ENGLISH 261
50s ENGLISH 258
Bradford wool - Currency values call the tune
LONDON, March 17 (Reuter) - Currency factors dominated the
market with a strong Australian dollar keeping up the price of
imported wool in the main consuming countries.
Market sources also cited the fact that sterling was a
little softer again, against the dollar and European currencies.
The effect was to push up prices on tops, with better
qualities mostly up two to three pence sterling. Higher quoted
prices will not help move wool although some sources cited hopes
that exporting to Europe might be less difficult.
New business was quiet but with some opportunities in the
home market. Deliveries were going out well with some sectors
reasonably placed for activity, if not profits.
191034 MET mar 97
Najava događaja - kultura - za petak, 7. ožujka
BJK Kup: Hrvatice s Portugalom, Latvijom i Austrijom
Lagarde: Korištenje zamrznute ruske imovine mora se temeljiti na međunarodnom pravu
Cijene nafte blizu 69 dolara
Ministarstvo: Provode se aktivnosti za skoro uklanjanje troske u Biljanima Donjim
Najava događaja - sport - za petak, 7. ožujka
Hrvatska mora raditi na povećanju poljoprivredne proizvodnje i prerade hrane
Najava događaja - svijet - za petak, 7. ožujka
Županijska skupština PGŽ-a o poslovanju regionalne televizije Kanala Ri
Late Night program Muzičkog biennnala donosi nastupe underground i klupskih izvođača