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LONDONSKA BURZA KOVINA: SLUŽBENE CIJENE 28.02.1997. LME OFFICIAL PRICES - FEB 28 CASH 3 MTHS 15 MTHS 27 MTHS SETT COPPER 2423.0/24.0 2367.0/68.0 2095.0/05.0 2025.0/35.0 2424 (STG EQV) 1488.76 1456.58 TIN 5768/5769 5810/5811 5890/5900 5769 LEAD 722.00/5.00 699.00/9.50 685.00/0.00 725 (STG EQV) 445.28 430.27 ZINC 1208.0/08.5 1228.0/29.0 1212.0/17.0 1172.0/77.0 1208.5 ALU.HG 1623.5/24.5 1651.5/52.0 1627.0/32.0 1580.0/85.0 1624.5 NICKEL 7935/7940 8020/8025 8155/8175 8300/8320 7940 ALALLOY 1518.0/23.0 1539.0/40.0 1585.0/05.0 1523 SETTLEMENT RATES - GBP 1.6282 DEM 1.692 JPY 120.71 LME lead option volatilities jump as futures surge By Eric Onstad LONDON, Feb 28 (Reuter) - Volatilities on LME lead options lurched higher on Friday as the underlying market surged towards sensitive $700 and $725 strike levels, traders said. "There's been a flurry of buying around of $700 calls, mostly on April and they've traded up to 35 percent (volatility)," one said. On Friday morning, April at-the-money (ATM) implied volatility was quoted from 27/30.5 percent up to 29/34 percent, up about four points from Thursday. March, which only has a few days left ahead of declaration next week, was being offered at $4/$5 above the evening evaluation, another trader said. "It's obviously a premium punt. Lead is not really a volatility trading market," he added. LME data shows that total volume traded in $700 April calls was 500 lots on Tuesday and 694 lots on Wednesday. Buying came from speculative and trade quarters, dealers said. A scramble to delta hedge options was one factor which propelled lead out of its week-old range late on Thursday to storm about $20 higher in late inter-office trading, traders said. "The options dealers were short $700s and $725s and when the market moved up....., they came into play," one said. Total open interest on March $725 calls at the close of business on Thursday was 586 lots (14,650 tonnes) out of a total of 799 lots (19,975 tonnes) for the month, LME data showed. Open interest on April $700 calls was 350 lots (8,750 tonnes) and on $725 calls, 205 lots (5,125 tonnes). The copper options market was muted, with volatilities little changed on the week. "The jump in three month prices has given rise to a few more spec buyers in the market, but today professionals were keen sellers with the weekend coming up," a trader said. Another trader said there had been some selling of average 1998 downside options, $2,100 for example, at around 18 percent volatility. March to June ATM volatility was centred around 20 percent with the curve farther out flat. December was only 0.5-1.0 point easier. Aluminium was also relatively quiet, although as futures surged some buying came though for April and May $1,700s. There was also some producer interest early in the week on forward months, but no Far Eastern granting was seen this week, traders said. Nearby ATM volatilities edged up one to two points by the end of the week, with April quoted on Friday morning at 18/20 percent. One trader said March traded as high as 24 percent during the week. Good interest was seen in nickel options this week, as players sought nearby material around the money, from $7,700 to $8,000 strikes, but grantors were reluctant. "There's been good buying of upside calls for April and May and they're even sniffing around for $8,500 calls," a trader said. On Thursday, there was 220 lots done in April $8,100 calls and 104 lots in $8,600 calls, according to LME data. Volatilities were up about two to three points on the week in the nearbys and one point up in the back end, with April bid at 30 to 32 percent. In zinc, volatilities were a touch easier, with April ATM quotes ranging from 20/23 percent to 22/25 percent. One trader said players still wanted upside calls but were finding it difficult to buy them while another said there had been some selling of downside puts, such as $1,025, for average 1998. FRANCUSKA BURZA - 28. veljače 1997. BAKAR FFR/100 KG 1448 KOSITAR FFR/100 KG 3891 CINK EL. FFR/100 KG 774 ALUMINIJ FFR/100 KG 1130 SREB. C3E FFR/KG 917/1079 PLATINA FFR/KG 58700/89200 PALADIJ FFR/KG 22900/31300 IRIDIJ FFR/KG 29500/52000 KOBALT FFR/100 KG 35888 ŽIVA FFR/100 KG 5200 NJEMAČKA BURZA - 28. veljače 1997. - u DEM po 100 kg GERMAN ELEKTROLITIK 415.50/427.02 OLOVO U KABELIMA 99.94% 137.75/138.75 _________________________________________________________________ _ STANJE LME ZALIHA NA DAN - 28.02.1997. - po pojedinim skladištima _________________________________________________________________ _ ++ COPPER WIRE BARS + ANTWERP 50 HAMBURG 50 ++ COPPER CATHODES + ANTWERP 1600 DUNKIRK 50 HAMBURG 23050 ROTTERDAM 15825 PIRAEUS 25 GENOA 150 LEGHORN 2525 TRIESTE 21100 BARCELONA 225 BILBAO 11975 GOTHENBURG 13325 HELSINBORG 10750 LIVERPOOL 1125 BALTIMORE 125 LONG BEACH 54000 ST LOUIS 2475 SINGAPORE 54975 LOSA... 3175 ++ TIN ++ ANTWERP 10 HAMBURG 125 ROTTERDAM 4350 GENOA 405 BILBAO 40 HULL 530 LIVERPOOL 4225 BALTIMORE 425 CHICAGO 20 LONG BEACH 5 NEW HQ$INS5 ++ LEAD + ANTWERP 75 HAMBURG 975 ROTTERDAM 1925 GENOA 2875 GOTHENBURG 8625 HELSINBORG 80600 GOOLE 425 HULL 1050 LIVERPOOL 50 SUNDERLAND 500 DETROIT 750 LONG BEACH 500 SINGAPORE 9900 ++ ZINC + ANTWERP 48750 DUNKIRK 1325 BREMEN 2675 HAMBURG 2125 ROTTERDAM 175975 PIRAEUS 275 GENOA 13825 TRIESTE 111050 BARCELONA 13225 BILBAO 13250 GOTHENBURG 10625 HELSINBORG 58050 LIVERPOOL 13425 CHICAGO 200 SINGAPORE 5875 ++ NICKEL + ANTWERP 858 ROTTERDAM 34374 GENOA 150 TRIESTE 72 GOTHENBURG 9288 LONG BEACH 96 NEW HAVEN 120 SINGAPORE 642 ++ ALUMINIUM ++ ANTWERP 2225 HAMBURG 25 ROTTERDAM 69500 TRIESTE 1275 BILBAO 550 GOTHENBURG 42725 HELSINBORG 153150 AVONMOUTH 28025 HULL 111775 LIVERPOOL 270375 NEWCASTLE 133850 SUNDERLAND 52050 DETROIT 2375 NEW HAVEN 4450 HAKATA 50 MOJI 50 SINGAPORE 17725 ++ ALUMINIUM ALLOY ++ ANTWERP 6100 DUNKIRK 2340 DUISBERG 660 HAMBURG 60 ROTTERDAM 960 BRESCIA 2560 GENOA 1760 TRIESTE 8040 BARCELONA 80 BILBAO 1800 GOTHENBURG 220 DERBY 480 HULL 840 LIVERPOOL 28380 CHICAGO 4200 DETROIT 1320 LONG BEACH 10180 ST LOUIS 3160 SINGAPORE 80 _________________________________________________________________ _ STANJE LME ZALIHA NA DAN 28. veljače 1997. količine su u tonama _________________________________________________________________ _ COPPER 216575 DOWN 3475 TIN 10220 UP 170 LEAD 108250 DOWN 225 ZINC 470650 DOWN 4550 ALUMINIUM 890175 DOWN 11075 NICKEL 45600 DOWN 150 AL.ALLOY 73220 DOWN 180 STOCK IN OUT COPPER wire bars 100 0 0 COPPER cathodes 216475 3000 6475 TIN 10220 495 325 LEAD 108250 75 300 ZINC 470650 0 4550 NICKEL briquettes 4272 150 0 NICKEL cathodes 41292 36 336 NICKEL pellets 36 0 0 STOCK IN OUT ALUMINIUM ingots 386350 225 3450 ALUMINIUM T-bars 331000 0 4650 ALUMINIUM sows 172825 0 3200 AL.ALLOY D12S/JIS 500 0 0 AL.ALLOY 226/DIN 43380 0 180 AL.ALLOY A380.1 29340 0 0 031010 MET mar 97

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