Handanovic made the accusation during her testimony at the trial of eight former members of the Zulfikar unit on Friday. "Kill them all!" Handanovic quoted Bojadzic as saying when the unit's personnel asked him by radio for instructions as to what to do with the six captured Croats.
The witness said she herself had fired at the prisoners, and identified four other members of the unit who had taken part in it.
Nineteen Croat civilians and three HVO prisoners of war were killed in the attack on Trusina.
Handanovic appeared in court after she was handed over to the Bosnian authorities by the United States late last year. She had emigrated to the US after the 1992-1995, just like Edin Dzeko, another member of the Zulfikar unit accused of war crimes committed in Trusina who has been handed over to Bosnia and Herzegovina. Handanovic reached a plea agreement after the handover.
The trial opened in September 2010, and dozens of witnesses have been heard to date.