ZAGREB, Dec 21 (Hina) - Croatian President Franjo Tudjman told
Croatian TV in Geneva on Tuesday evening that "the talks with the
co-chairmen of the Conference revolved around yet undefined issues
concerning the constitutional arrangement of the Union of Bosnia-
Herzegovina ahead of tomorrow's meeting."
The Co-Chairmen of the Peace Conference on former Yugoslavia,
David Owen and Thorvald Stoltenberg, organized talks with the
Croatian, Serbian and Bosnian presidents ahead of tomorrow's
meeting with European Union foreign ministers in Brussels in a bid
to reach a pre-Christmas peace accord.
The talks with Serbian President Slobodan Milosevic centred on
"how to draw territorial boundaries between the Republics within
the Union," said President Tudjman. "Following the long and
strenuous talks we have agreed that the Moslem republic should be
granted a third of territory, provided that the final delimitation
of the republics includes 17.5 percent of territory for the
Croatian Republic of Herzeg-Bosnia," said President Tudjman.
"The agreement we have reached today on territorial delimitation
creates preconditions for the normalization of relations among the
three sides in Bosnia-Herzegovina, and it is also important for the
international community," concluded the Croatian president.
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