SARAJEVO, Dec 6 (Hina) - UNPROFOR spokesman William Aikman told a
news conference in Sarajevo on Monday that UN observers had
reported that Serb forces stepped up shelling Sapna and Teocak,
villages east of Tuzla (north-eastern Bosnia), Bosnian Radio said.
Aikman quoted UN observers as saying that Serb forces fired 75
artillery shells in the Olovo area.
UNPROFOR headquarters in Sarajevo today confirmed allegations that
Moslem forces loyal to Fikret Abdic had attacked Bosnian Army Fifth
Corps forces loyal to President Izetbegovic from Serb-held
territory in Croatia, said the radio.
061629 MET dec 93
Tenis: pregled rezultata (3)
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Senator: Isključen sigurnosni sustav u vojnom helikopteru prije sudara sa zrakoplovom
Policija potvrdila uhićenje bivšeg županjskog gradonačelnika