VITEZ, Dec 5 (Hina) - The Moslem-led Bosnian Army made an attempt
to break through the confrontation lines in the areas of Krtina-
Mahala and Pirici on the Vitez battlefield (Central Bosnia) on
Sunday morning, reported the local command of the Croatian Defence
Council (HVO). According to the same source, the HVO units repelled
the fierce Moslem artillery-supported infantry attack inflicting
losses on the enemy forces. Two HVO soldiers were wounded in this
morning's clashes.
The proposal of the local Vitez HVO command that the wounded and
sick Moslems from the residential section of Mahala can be admitted
to the Franciscan hospital in Nova Bila, near Vitez, has been
approved of by the international organizations and UNPROFOR,
reported a Hina correspondent from this Central Bosnian town.
051404 MET dec 93
Tenis: pregled rezultata (3)
Liga kup: Liverpool preko Tottenhama do finala
Kralj Karlo III. posjetit će Italiju i sastati se s papom Franjom
Euroliga: Četvrta uzastopna pobjeda Bayerna, Branković vrlo dobar
Serie A: Fiorentina svladala Inter 3-0 u nastavljenom susretu
Čelnik UN-a za klimu: Zemlje ostaju predane klimatskim planovima
Hrvanje, Zagreb Open: Slavlje za Kylea Fredericka Snydera
Hrvatske košarkašice uvjerljivo slavile u Nizozemskoj
Senator: Isključen sigurnosni sustav u vojnom helikopteru prije sudara sa zrakoplovom
Policija potvrdila uhićenje bivšeg županjskog gradonačelnika