ZADAR, Dec 4 (Hina) - A lull ensued on the Zadar-Biograd
battlefield (northern Dalmatia) in early Saturday morning after
artillery attacks last evening. The locations of Novigrad, Paljuv,
Kasic and Suhovare were exposed to artillery and mortar fire of the
Serb aggressors' forces up until the midnight, reported the local
command of the Croatian Army.
The village of Pristeg in the Biograd crisis area was hit by
several mortar rounds on Friday night.
The last evening Serb guerrillas' attacks on the Zadar-Biograd
area left no casualties, but caused fresh material damages. The
Croatian side lodged an official protest with UNPROFOR.
Only minor armed provocations by anti-aircraft machine-guns were
reported from the Sibenik battlefield (central Dalmatia) last
night, according to the same source. The Serb terrorists opened
anti-aircraft weaponry fire at the locations of Kljake and
Vucipolje on the Sinj-Drnis battlefield (central Dalmatia) on
Friday afternoon, said the same source.
041216 MET dec 93
Tenis: pregled rezultata (3)
Liga kup: Liverpool preko Tottenhama do finala
Kralj Karlo III. posjetit će Italiju i sastati se s papom Franjom
Euroliga: Četvrta uzastopna pobjeda Bayerna, Branković vrlo dobar
Serie A: Fiorentina svladala Inter 3-0 u nastavljenom susretu
Čelnik UN-a za klimu: Zemlje ostaju predane klimatskim planovima
Hrvanje, Zagreb Open: Slavlje za Kylea Fredericka Snydera
Hrvatske košarkašice uvjerljivo slavile u Nizozemskoj
Senator: Isključen sigurnosni sustav u vojnom helikopteru prije sudara sa zrakoplovom
Policija potvrdila uhićenje bivšeg županjskog gradonačelnika