PULA, Dec 4 (Hina) - The Italian Ambassador to Croatia, Salvatore
Cilento, visited the Istrian regional office for refugees in Pula
on Saturday, and met with head of the Office Sonja Lovrecic and
representatives of one of the strongest trade unions from Italy,
"Progeto Sud Uil." The trade union had earmarked 1.9 billion lire
for the adaptation of the former army barracks "Karlo Rojd" and for
the needs of refugees and displaced persons.
Ms Lovrecic informed the Italian ambassador that nearly 23
thousand refugees and displaced persons were accommodated in
Istria. She thanked the Italian people and government for aid they
Ambassador Cilento stressed that Croatia set an example to the
world and Europe by making every effort to provide for refugees and
the displaced despite great difficulties it itself was faced with.
041635 MET dec 93
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