ZAGREB, Dec 15 (Hina) - The Croatian Association of Employers (HUP)
today said in a statement that a strike which was announced for
Friday by the Croatian Independent Trade Unions Federation (SSSH)
would be detrimental in the current delicate economic and political
Stressing that there was no reason for the strike, the HUP
accused the unions of presenting false information to international
organizations, manipulating the employees and violating the
agreement with the SSSH under which all problems were to be solved
through negotiations.
Citing arguments against the strike, the HUP said that a
Christmas bonus, which was one of the strikers' demands, could not
be regarded as an obligation but should be regulated by collective
The HUP denied union allegations that the Labour Bill had been
drafted without cooperation with the unions, saying that five out
of nine members of the expert group working on the text of the bill
were union members.
The HUP said that the warning strike would break the custom
that no strikes should be staged while negotiations were in
The HUP instructed its members to demand from strike
organizers to ensure that important businesses were not interrupted
and to inform the employees that their wages would be reduced
according to time they spent on strike.
(hina) jn vm
151946 MET dec 94
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