ZAGREB, Apr 14 (Hina) - The agenda of today's session of the
Croatian government included issues of the implementation of the
government's stabilization programme, the announced strike of
teachers, and restructuring of the Croatian Electric Power Industry
that is the public corporation. The session was held under the
chairmanship of the Prime Minister Nikica Valentic.
The Prime Minister stressed that annual inflation rate should
be 12 p.c. by the end of the year and that the government would not
allow that the budget could be exceeded. The government would not
give up from its already planned economic policy, Valentic also
During discussion on the warning of the labour union of
teachers at secondary schools that they would go on strike if their
salaries were not be raised by 50 p.c., Prime Minister Valentic
appealed to teachers to understand that the strike would yield no
results, since there was no money for an increase in salaries.
Deputy Prime Minister Borislav Skegro informed others of the
fact that real wages in 1993 dropped by 8 p.c. in comparison to
wages in 1992. But, wages in the last ten months have increased by
3.7 p.c. monthly, according to minister Skegro.
A draft amendment to power industry legislation referring to
the restructuring of the Croatian Electric Power Industry
Corporation was accepted at today's session.
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