ZAGREB, April 8 (Hina) - House of Representatives of the Croatian
Parliament on Friday resumed 17th session that started on March 23.
Representatives will discuss on six items of the agenda but on
concept of housing policy reform which was called off.
Government representatives will inform MPs on accident that
happened yesterday in military ammunition warehouse in Zagreb's
suburb of Duboki Jarak.
Members of the Croatian Social-Liberal Party (HSLS) demanded
putting on the agenda their proposal for no-confidence motion to
Defence Minister Gojko Susak. Proposal was supported by Social-
Democrat Party (SDP) MPs. They stressed on Defence Minister's
responsibility for the explosion in military warehouse because he
is in charge with such matter.
Luka Bebic, representative of the leading Croatian Democratic
Union (HDZ), opposed such demand and said this is way of "bringing
disarray in Parliament on back door".
Discussion on Social-Liberal Party's calling for a vote of
censure to Minister Susak is continued.
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