BRTONIGLA, March 5 (Hina) - The Prime Minister of the Croatian
Government, Nikica Valentic, and the Foreign Minister of the
Republic of Italy, Beniamino Andreatta visited this evening the
town of Brtonigla, the municipal centre of the region of Bujstina
(Istria). They attended to the ceremonial opening of a new building
of the Community of Italians. Before his arrival to Brtonigla,
Croatian Prime Minister held a meeting in the town of Pula with the
County-Prefect of Istria, Luciano Delbianco and the Istrian
businessmen where they talked about the current economic issues and
financial recovery of banks.
Italian Foreign Minister Andreatta with his Croatian
counterpart, Dr Mate Granic arrived in Brtonigla from Trieste,
where the session of the Central European Initiative had finished
They were awaited at the Slovene-Croatian border crossing of
Plovanij by the Italian ambassador to the Republic of Croatia,
Paolo Pensa and the Italian consul to Croatia, Gianfranco De Luigi.
051930 MET mar 94
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