OSIJEK, March 5 (Hina) - German foreign ministry ambassador for
humanitarian aid Hansjoerg Eiff and head of the Croatian government
office for refugees Adalbert Rebic met with the head of the Osijek-
based office for refugees Jasna Zdravcevic on Saturday.
Noting that eastern Slavonia had suffered the worst damage
during Serbian aggression, Rebic thanked Germany for its generous
Zdravcevic said over 70,000 refugees and displaced persons
were accommodated in the Osijek area, and their number daily
increased, as Croats were forced to flee the Serb-occupied region
of Baranja. She explained that Osijek could not afford to provide
such a huge number of people with decent housing and ensure a
minimal degree of intimacy to families. She appealed to Germany not
to press the return of Croatian refugees accommodated in Germany,
most of whom are from eastern Croatia.
Ambassador Eiff pointed out that, while Germany was willing to
continue assisting Croatia, it could not solve the problems of the
refugees on its own. He recalled that Germany catered for over
700,000 refugees, mostly from Bosnia-Herzegovina. Noting that the
situation in Mostar and other places in Bosnia he had visited was
much worse, Ambassador Eiff said some of the refugees would have to
return, at least to those areas where there were conditions for
their accommodation.
Ambassador Eiff and Adalbert Rebic are visiting various
refugee centres in eastern Slavonia on Saturday.
051059 MET mar 94
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