MOSTAR, March 8 (Hina) - A joint Croat-Moslem cease-fire committee
met in Mostar on Tuesday under UNPROFOR auspices, said Croatian
Defence Council (HVO) spokesman Veso Vegar. Moslem and Croat
representatives complained about certain cease-fire violations.
It was agreed that newly-dug trenches east of the runway at
the Mostar airport should be refilled and the Moslem soldiers
withdraw to their previous positions.
The idea that soldiers should withdraw at a 2-km distance from
the frontline, floated at one of the previous meetings, was not
passed. The general view seemed to be that it was too early for
that move and that it was better to wait until certain political
agreements had been signed.
The committee is to meet again tomorrow at 10:00 hours.
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