ZAGREB, Jan 7 (Hina) - In connection with the recent talks in
Geneva and Brussels on the peaceful solution to the crisis in
Bosnia-Herzegovina, and alarmed at some "intimations that the
municipality of Jajce, for centuries inhabited by Croats, might be
yielded" to the aggressors, Representatives of the local Croatian
Defence Council and the Croatian Democratic Union held a joint
meeting in Podhum, municipality of Livno, on 30 Dec 1993.
On behalf of 21,000 Croats from the Jajce area, the
participants sent out an open letter denying anyone the right to
"ratify the occupation and cede the Jajce area" to the aggressors.
Jajce has been under Serb occupation since October 1992, when
it fell after a seven months' siege.
071536 MET jan 94
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